Thursday, May 24, 2007

Blog advertising site makes it easier than ever for bloggers to monetize their blogs

You have seen the advertisements here that are made using the blog advertising site PayPerPost. Posts that help me to support this blog and my others. I was even in the Newspaper in part because of my ability to support my blogging habits through advertising.

Well, now PayPerPost has introduced a completely new blog advertising tool for their bloggers called PPP Direct. This is Part One of the Birdo Release and provides the blogger and potential advertisers with a full transaction auditing system that allows the blogger to define what they would like to be paid, the advertisers to discuss this directly with the blogger, and both to come out on top when the blogger gets to keep more of the advertising money the advertiser spends.

PayPerPost will get a small percentage, a mere 10% servicing fee, and for that they take care of the technical details such as talking to the IRS, facilitating the exchange between the blogger and the advertiser, and assorted other bookkeeping services that anyone should be glad to pay 10% for.

PayPerPost is a great blog advertising site and is getting better all the time. If you have not yet taken a look at what they have to offer, then I urge you to check the site out and get started in having direct control over the advertising that goes on your blog.


Muddy day

I was hoping that today would be a nice day, get out and ride the ATV some and haul rocks for that retaining wall I am working on for my strawberry beds, but it's half rainy out there and the sun is still debating if its going to come out or vanish entirely. We'll see how this afternoon looks, still lots of time to get out there and work - didn't get dark last night until after 11:30 pm.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Rainy trails

I rode up to the Big Lake Library to pick up a book I had on hold, but the library closed just as I got to it, so today I rode up there again. Ended up getting several more books besides the one I was after.

There has been rain the past few days, and scattered showers today, so the trails were slightly wet. Managed to evade riding in the rain any, though, so that's good.

I've also finally almost gone through my first tank of gas. The little ATV is at the top of the red empty area, so next time I head for the store I will need to stop and put more gas in the ATV.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Alaska Trail Riding

I took some overdue library books up to the library today (over $7 worth of overdue - ouch!) and took the following bit of video along the trail. It turned out slightly blurry because of the camera being set on close up, then uploading to YouTube just scrambled things and ruined what quality it did have, so I need to get my brother to help me on that. I'm still a noob to this video upload thing.

Ah well, you get the idea.

Seduce a Celeb and win a date with Mirelly Taylor [paid post]

Hey guys, I found a contest for you. Not something I would want to enter, I'll hold off for the one that has the cute guy tyvm (although all the guys I can think of I'd like to win a date with are married and I hope them long happy marriages).

Anyway, check out the contest that Seduce a Celeb is running a contest over the next 14 weeks on In this contest, one lucky entrant win a date with Mirelly Taylor. As far as I know this is an Internet first, a contest where the online audience can actually become a part of the program through submission of Free videos at trying to prove that they have what it takes to seduce a celebrity.

Yes, that's right, you could win a date with Mirelly Taylor. You know her from movies like "Kiss Me Again" and "Serving Sara", or from television on shows like "Las Vegas" and "Numb3rs". Anyone can enter the contest by visiting the site through the link above. Check out their current video entries and vote on them.

I like this contest idea, and would like to see just what the winning video ends up to be, but I do wish that it was a guy up for winning a date with instead of a woman. Maybe next time though. I'll have to start thinking on who to suggest them to approach with the idea, since, like I said, the guys I like are all taken by other very lucky ladies.

Library books due back and want to collect rocks for yard - ATV to the rescue

It's a lovely day today and I am hoping to get a chance later this afternoon to get out and take my ATV down the gravel roads to pick up some decent sized stones to bring back for landscaping work now that I have a ball for a trailer and my brother's ATV trailer on behind it.

I'll also be looking to ride to the library and drop off some books that are now way overdue. ::cringe:: bad me, it's been busy the past few days and I completely forgot when them things were due back at the library. They were due the 10th. OUCH. Definitely time to ride the ATV up to the library and get them back in. Hate stress, I forget the simplest things now days. Went over 30 years without having late library books. ::sigh::

Monday, May 14, 2007

HDTV Tuesdays at PayPerPost thanks to Bid4Prizes

You know by now that I like the insanity that is the advertising network PayPerPost, right? I mean these guys tend to get some of the kewlest stuff going on, and they have some of the neatest advertisers and sponsors that I have yet seen anywhere else online.

And one of the reasons why I love them can be found in the HDTV Tuesday's. This Tuesday (May 15) they are going to be giving out a Slingbox, Nintendo Wii, Yamaha Surround Sound System or a Logitech universal remote to lucky Posties that can get to the opportunities first.

Every Tuesday in the month of May, PayPerPost is going to be holding what they call "HDTV Tuesday". This is a day filled not only with chances to make money, but also filled with all sorts of cool Audio and Video equipment in specially marked Opportunities.

So, what have the Posties already grabbed thanks to the great sponsorship of HDTV Tuesdays in May by Bid4Prizes? How about opportunities that have Apple TVs and a PS3? There is more cool stuff on the way still. Who's game for a new HDTV at the end of May?

Check out PayPerPost if you have not yet looked into them, you'll love it!

Happy Belated Mother's Day

I just wanted to take a moment to wish all of the mommies out there a Happy Belated Mother's Day! I hope it was a good one and filled with lots of flowers and hugs and loads of love! Oh, and a little mud bogging fun as well. ;-)

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Modifications for ATVs - what others have done

I've been talking about modifications that I'd like to make to my little ATV and that got me wondering what others have done. So, I went looking and found a couple pages.

This site is some ATV modification pictures that a fellow took of his ATV to show, among other things, installation of a temperature gauge, custom grill, and snow plow stability chains.

I really like this ATV modification page, as it shows a gear shifting modification that would allow someone that can not shift with their foot because of a handicap to shift with their hand instead. And it looks like it is an easy modification to replicate.

And here is an article at ATV Scene about the Ultimate 4x4 Project. ATV Rec Rider editor Bob Fleege discusses modifications to an ATV to show that with a few small modifications anyone can take a common sport utility machine and improve how it rides and handles.


Spring is here - now if the idiots would just not trash our ATV trails

The leaves have all started to unfurl on the trees around the yard, so I need to get out on my ATV again. I want to get some good pictures from the trails around here and share what Alaska looks like in the spring time. It'll be particularly nice if I can catch it soon since not only are the leaves just starting to open, but the road cleanup crews just finished going through and picking up all the junk along side the highways. Alaska's looking pretty again.

It would be nice now if they would pick up the trashed cars along the bike routes. Riding between the Parks highway and Big Lake even on the road you can see the junked cars that have been piling up out along the ATV trails. Morons take the things out there (most probably stolen cars) and trash them then leave the remains to block the ATV trails. There are not enough ATV trails in this state, idiots don't need to be messing up the few we do have.

Monday, May 07, 2007

J.C. Whitney Coupons

My family is full of mechanic types, from my brother and nephews that own their own classic car restoration shop here in the Valley to my dad who taught my brother and me everything from how to change the brakes on a motorhome to switching multiple engines in cars and trucks. Through those years there has always been a J.C. Whitney catalog somewhere in the house - often more than one. Right now we have catalogs for their truck parts line, Volkswagens and Jeeps.

If like my family you're a J.C. Whitney reader, then you might be interested in the J.C. Whitney coupons available from

Coupon Chief is an online coupon site that I have been watching for a long time now and they always have great coupons on all kinds of things. Current J.C. Whitney coupons include 15% off on orders of $100 or more. and 10% off orders of $80 or more.

This post is a paid ad for

For more information on advertising on great blogs,
like Alaska ATV, please visit PayPerPost.

Possible alteration of a third rack for my ATV?

As I was out looking for a trailer ball for my ATV I found a neat setup on the back of one of the old busted down snow machines that is out back. It's a small rack about the size of a milk crate and just right for holding a small gas can or something for the ATV. I'm looking at if the thing could be added onto the ATV as a rack for holding something and if so will talk to my brother about it since I am fairly sure the snow machine is his rather than one of my nephews' machines.

Here you can see the back of my ATV as it is now, without the possible additional rack on it.

And here is what it would look like (side view inset at bottom of pic) if I added the additional rack.

I would be putting a brace bar on either side down to two tubes at the back of the ATV that are connected to the frame and support the current rear rack.

Because of the boot on the back of the ATV, I am also planning on if there should be a way to lift the case up and out of the way or perhaps remove the bottom of it for when I need to access the tools stored in the boot.

I'm still trying to decide if I want to make this alteration or not, and have not even talked to my brother yet about just who's snow machine it is and if it is scrap or awaiting repairs, but I am contemplating if the third rack would be a good addition or just end up being more of a nuisance than useful carry space.


Sunday, May 06, 2007

Accounting Paradise: small business payroll & bookkeeping to let you have more time this summer [paid post]

There is too much to be out doing in Alaska to be locked away in the house dealing with things like payroll and bookkeeping for your small business. I have my own small business that I am working on and I cringe at the thought of having to add in doing my own books to the time taken away from being able to get out there and enjoy Alaska on my ATV. was started by a small business owner that had been there before. Finding bookkeepers either wanted to charge hundreds (or even thousands) each month and if not messed up the books, the owner of decided to start a new company that would offer book keeping and payroll services to small businesses. For less than you probably spend in a week on cappuccino, you can have more freedom to get out and enjoy the beauty of the last frontier. Find out just why Accounting Paradise thinks they are the best answer for your needs.

Not in Alaska? No problem, I know some of you reading this are people with an interest in Alaska, and is based out of Las Vegas, Nevada and works with small businesses nationwide. You can have more freedom to visit this great state that right now you only have time to read about.

This post is a paid ad for
For more information on advertising on great blogs,
like Alaska ATV, please visit PayPerPost.

Need a trailer hitch ball for my ATV

I went walking around the yard a little while ago looking on bumpers of vehicles we have (and yes, ones belonging to my brothers and nephews that are parked in the yard ::innocent look::) for a trailer hitch ball that I could swipe for using for a few days on the back of my ATV.

My brother has an ATV trailer that is parked out here in our yard at the moment and I have plans to use it for moving things around the yard. Trouble is, of the four trailer hitch balls I found, only one would budge and it spun the ball when I tried to get it off. I need a chain wrench that I can slap around the ball so that when I smack the crescent wrench with the heavy monkey wrench it don't move the ball too.

I'll probably just go buy a ball for the ATV, but am still going to try again to get the one off the old truck first. No sense buying a new one if there is one that is not being used sitting here in the yard, huh?

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Onveon Education Search [paid post]

One of the things about being in Alaska is that more and more things tend to be done online because you spend so much time in the outdoors that you don't have time to waste with being indoors.

That's why I like the online schools, since you can do things at your own pace and schedule it around your fishing and gold panning trips. Of course, man can not live on salmon alone, and gold's in them hills, but it's well hidden, so it's a good idea to get a head start on something that can make you good money now.

If you're looking for information on where to learn online, you can check out Onveon Education Search. Advance your career today. Earn your degree online. Free info! Don't let your search be limited to just the local campuses or a few other's.

Onveon Education Search is a school directory that let's prospective students request free information from over 7,000 online and campus based schools. You can choose from more than 400,000 accredited degree and certification programs.

This post is a paid post for Onveon Education Search


Was going to go for a ride, weather changed plans. It changes a lot.

I was going to take my ATV on a ride up to my brother's place today, but then I spent a lot longer in town than I had expected to and that just wore me out and as we were headed home the rain clouds moving in from the north just looked nasty. It didn't rain, but it sure threatened to. Forced me to leave my computer off for a while too, since I wasn't sure there wasn't going to be lightning in with it if it rained.

Am I the only one that remembers Alaska back when there was not spring thunderstorms? I know when I was a kid there was not lightning here because I am deathly afraid of lightning and have been most of my life. But since the late 80's we've been slowly but steadily getting more and more. Shoot, last year the spring thunderstorms durn near rivaled Washington's spring storms. Next we'll have regular Black Widow sightings ... ya know... the occasional sightings started about the time the lightning appeared - I see a pattern. We'll have rattlers up here before we know it.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

2000lb Waterproof ATV Winch

Here's something I would like to get for my ATV. I've been thinking just a winch, but I like the sounds of a waterproof one. ATVs can't seem to stay out of the mud bogs (don't know what it is, some weird attraction they have), so being waterproof is a good bonus for the winch.


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