Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Spring is here - now if the idiots would just not trash our ATV trails

The leaves have all started to unfurl on the trees around the yard, so I need to get out on my ATV again. I want to get some good pictures from the trails around here and share what Alaska looks like in the spring time. It'll be particularly nice if I can catch it soon since not only are the leaves just starting to open, but the road cleanup crews just finished going through and picking up all the junk along side the highways. Alaska's looking pretty again.

It would be nice now if they would pick up the trashed cars along the bike routes. Riding between the Parks highway and Big Lake even on the road you can see the junked cars that have been piling up out along the ATV trails. Morons take the things out there (most probably stolen cars) and trash them then leave the remains to block the ATV trails. There are not enough ATV trails in this state, idiots don't need to be messing up the few we do have.


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