Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Finally got out on the trails!

Finally - FINALLY, got my ATV out and went for a ride yesterday. Nothing fancy, just a fast run down to the local UPS store and back home, but it was so nice to get out on the trails. It is amazing just how much better a person can feel after they manage to hit the trail for a little while, and I can't wait until the next chance to get out and ride.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

ATVs replace horses for Montana cattle rancher

The Highwaymen have a song called "The Last Cowboy Song". See the video below if you've never heard it, it's hard to be a old horse rider and not feel a bit of a tear well up as you listen to these four country legends sing it.

What has me thinking about The Last Cowboy Song is an article about ATVs on the Channel 9 KXLH News website out of Helena, Montana. They talk about how 84 year old rancher John Rumney has switched over to ATVs for the bulk of the work that used to be done using horses.

As the Highwaymen say, another piece of America's gone if the cattle ranchers are starting to mend fences and herd the cattle with ATVs rather than horses.

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Saturday, May 07, 2011

Alaska ATV is back up and getting ready for Summer 2011

Well, it has been a long while, but I have got this site back starting up and hope to have a lot of good things in store for ATV enthusiasts in Alaska over the next few months.

I hope to get out and ride my own ATV some soon, and if I can get out on the trails I will be sure to take pictures and video to share with everyone.

In the mean time, feel free to share your own summertime fun, wherever you are, and let us know where we can see your local trails and adventures!

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