Friday, July 24, 2009

ATVing in Alaska - need to look up the rules

I rode my ATV out to Wal-Mart night before last to grab some things, not enough to warrant taking a car, but the low cost of gas in the ATV made it a good evening ride to take.

As I was getting ready to leave the store a couple and their kids paused to talk to me, wanting to find out more about my riding the ATV to the store. Apparently they have a couple of ATVs, but like most people they don't consider them transportation and only used them for fishing and hunting. They said that they had no idea what the rules were about riding ATVs around in Alaska, particularly to the store or something.

That encounter got me to thinking about just that thing, so I am going to start doing some more in-depth looking into it and get some official stuff posted here and at for everyone. I'm fairly sure what the laws are, but want to have fully official information rather than just share my "this is what I've experienced" info with folks.


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