Monday, May 04, 2009

Got my ATV insured

I called up Geico a couple of days ago was told that my ATV insurance would cost me $275 a year for full insurance that includes theft insurance. I decided that I needed to look over my finances and determine if I can afford it, but had forgot to ask her if I had to have all the stuff, since my main concern is theft protection.

Went back online and checked into it - I didn't need all the stuff she had on there. It whittled down to only about $100 a year. Talking to the guy today I got everything i wanted for $23 to get started and $17 a month for the next 8 months. That's not bad at all in my opinion, and I've got a good percent of that already in my advertising payments account. Rest will be there next week, so I already have a full year's insurance on my ATV from my advertising work. And the piece of mind I get having that is well worth it to me.

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