Thursday, August 21, 2008

Weather not cooperating

I'm starting to get very tired of rain. It seems like there has been one rainstorm after another all this summer, and now here we are getting ready to go into Autumn and the rain is still out there. Earlier I was chased off-line by a thunderstorm. I haven't got much of a chance to go out riding on my ATV this year, and when I have had weather that was nice for going for a ride I usually had to work instead of being able to go riding. Very frustrating.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hearing on Augtust 20th to decide if ATVs can drive into Greenville, ME

An ATV club in Greenville, Maine, has been working with town officials and their local police to find a way to provide downtown access to ATV riders. Set for a hearing on August 20th, the plan would allow for ATV use of a paved shoulder leading into the town. While the idea may sound problematic, the town manager of Greenville says that the idea has the support of local businesses.

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Thursday, August 07, 2008

ATV provision in the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008

Congress passed a bill that will require all companies that import ATVs into the United States to comply the same vehicle safety standards that established ATV manufacturers have adhered to for years. This bill will also require them to meet the same safety initiatives, including training, as those established manufacturers.

The mandatory safety standard for ATVs is a part of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (H.R. 4040), and passed the House of Representatives on July 30, 2008. The Coalition for Safe and Responsible ATV Use thanked the House and Senate members who helped assure that the provision was a part of the final bill.

In recent years there have been a growing number of non-traditional ATV companies entering the market, while refusing to comply with the self-imposed regulations of safety concern and education for ATV owners. What is truly concerning is the target market of these companies being riders under the age of 16. Sales of non-compliant ATVs are estimated to be approximately one third of new ATV sales in the United States.

The ATV provision in the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 will assure that all ATVs sold in the United States, imported and domestic, adhere to the safety standards and provide training programs to help assure the safety of new ATV riders.

The bill was cleared for the White House and on its way to the President after the Senate passed it on July 31, 2008. It is listed as having been presented to the President on August 6, 2008, as of this posting there are no White House press releases concerning the bill.


I'm a member of ATV Nation

I feel so... alone. LOL In looking for information on a bill that congress passed that includes a section on making ATVs safer, I found my way to ATV Nation and decided to join. I don't have time to look over the boards at the moment, but I did find my way to the map and discovered that I am the first pin in the state of Alaska.

Guess I'll get back to what I was researching now, I know there's more ATV riders in Alaska, I see you folks out there on the trails as I am riding. ;-) Now I just wish that the DOT or Parks folks saw us and we had a few of them trails criss crossing the state opened up for ATVs to ride along. Two official ATV trails in the entire state (as of last time I looked) is kind of... peculiar.

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