Summer's on it's way - yay! Time to get the ATV ready to go
I went out today and took measurements of the back rack on my ATV so that I can better design the rack I want to build for it. Snow's getting lower each day, so time to start getting ready for the summer. Finally!
I was disappointed to discover that the cover my brother had given me last fall has a few tears in it from the load of snow that had built up on it over the winter. The left brake handle punched through the cover and there is a tear by the fuel tank. ::pouts:: Ah well, I plan to have the ATV in its own nice little shed by the time next winter hits anyway.
My brother was in here earlier getting on me about not having rode the ATV much since I got it. He's right, I haven't put a lot of miles on it yet, but I really don't care for riding out there at -20 Fahrenheit. Not when I don't have a proper snowsuit, and not when I am riding alone 90% of the time. I'll wait for summer to get back around and then go exploring on it again, tyvm.