It can get insane at times. Sitting here pondering what I will do in the spring when I can ride my ATV again. I've been thinking I'll join an ATV group here in Alaska, last year when I got my ATV I looked into them, but they seemed to be congregating in the Palmer area, which is a long way from where I live, or Eagle River, which is a VERY long way from where I live. Need to figure out if there is anyone other than my brother and nephews that ride ATVs in this end of the Valley.

Alaska ATV
This is the official blog for DragonRider and my reports of the trail systems usable by ATVs in Alaska. Please note that I am a hobby rider that has very little time to ride, so this is going to be at best a general info blog not a trail conditions blog.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Ah Ha, I found my Honda's repair manual... check it out:

Honda Trx350 Rancher 2000-2006
(Clymer Motorcycle Repair)
by Clymer Publications
I don't need this yet, but definitely keeping tabs on it because I want to have it next year at the latest when my bike has had some miles put on it and I am getting ready to do some serious maintenance on it.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
I had decided that I would go out and look around eBay for things to go on my ATV, such as fuel tank saddle bags and back rack carrying cases, etc. I figured it's the middle of winter and they would be cheaper than they were last summer - right? Wrong. ::sigh:: They are still as expensive so I am still in the wait and watch and hope I can find affordable ones mode.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
A few days ago I realized that my tarped up little ATV out there covered in snow still had the roll of black paper on the front rack that had been sat there for just a moment last fall. =-o Nooooooo
I went out and tried to get it off, but it was heavy and more to the point it was frozen down. My poor poor baby machine.
The next day I was able to catch one of my nephews and had my nephew help me get a thing off the front of my ATV. Poor little ATV, it needs its own little shed where it won't be buried in snow and have things sat on it.
Saturday, January 06, 2007